541.948.2359 [email protected]

Education & Support

The Playful Pet-Sitter has long-standing supportive relationships with Pet Sitters International and Petfinder.com. These organizations are an important part of The Playful Pet-Sitter’s history in terms of education, pet adoption and supportive giving. We believe that a core ingredient of business success includes giving back and learning more. Generosity and recognition of other like-minded organizations helps create awareness and a better standard of care for all animals. Pet-Sitters International and PetFinder focus on animals in need whether it be a need for locating quality pet-sitting services, rescue or sanctuary. It isn’t necessarily the type of animals served, but the assistance and education they provide to the community that really matters.


Over the years, we’ve learned about the general care of birds, horses and other small pocket pets as well as cats and dogs. We understand the importance of having as much knowledge as we can for the care we provide, and PSI helps us do that.


Petfinder.com is exactly what they say they are. Petfinder will help you locate and find a pet that meets your most important adoption criteria. You can search for age, breed, temperament, socialization and many other qualities that will lead you to the very best pet for your family.

A cat is laying on the couch with some paper

The Playful Pet-Sitter

Your Playful and Professional Pet-Sitter!

Contact Us

Redmond, Oregon


[email protected]

Opening Hours

6AM to 8PM daily
Including All Weekends & Holidays

About the Site

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